Rosa women's choker sewing tutorial

The choker is made of 10 big and 10 small petals, which are attached to a base with a cord.
Satin fabrics or organza.
• Main fabric 1.40 — 1.50 m wide (1 ½ yd — 1 ⅝ yd) — 10 cm (4″);
• Cord — 1.30 m (1 ⅜ yd);
• Felt or leather for the base with a diameter of 2 cm (¾”).
Important! Pattern pieces already include seam allowances.

(№ – Name – Pieces’ quantity)
Main fabric 1:
1 – Big petal – 10
2 – Small petal – 10
Main fabric 2:
3 – Base – 1

1. Burn the edges of the petals with a lighter.
2. Start assembling with small petals (2). Twist the first petal at the bottom and secure in this position with hand stitches. Attach the next petal to it and hand stitch it together. So hand stitch all the small petals.
3. Use larger petals (1) to go around the core of small petals, securing each of them.
4. A small stalk of petals has been formed on the back of the flower. Secure it in a circle again with hand stitches.
5. Cover the stem with the base (3). Make 2 parallel small cuts in the base and thread the cord.
6. Sew the base to the rose using hand stitches.
7. The choker is done.